Here are the most frequently asked questions that I get about evening rituals.
Do I have to do my rituals every day?
Well… yes!
What can I do if my rituals are taking too long?
- Actually make sure they’re taking too long.
- Cut out the advanced components.
- Make sure you’re not delaying yourself by using your phone or getting distracted by something that isn’t part of your ritual.
What happens if I wake up late, go to sleep late, or travel across timezones?
Do your rituals normally at the new time you wake up or go to sleep.
Rituals seem hard to implement, what can I do?
After the initial 1-2 week adjust period rituals will become habitual and second nature.
I’m still have trouble getting to sleep or getting a good night of sleep.
- A good morning ritual will help mitigate some of the grogginess or tiredness.
- Implement more advanced items into your evening ritual.
- Work on your sleep hygiene.